For almost every birthday and personal holiday: I draw a card. It's something I've done for years. My mom has an entire wall in her home dedicated to the hand drawn cards I've done through the years. (I'll snag a picture the next time that I'm over there.) Also in case it snuck up on you: friendly reminder that Mother's Day is in a week! So this year, since it's a quarantined holiday, I'm building her a card using my drawing tablet.
I draw a lot and the gift of a Wacom Bamboo tablet from my dear friend Anna changed how I can use those drawings.
With this, I can use my line drawings to make vectors, cards, and my favorite thing: coloring sheets! It's an amazing way to take something on my screen and turn it into a real life coloring sheet. And the best part is when I'm normally drawing, I like to make a photocopy of the outline so I could try coloring it different ways to see what I like best. Now I can print it out as many times as I like!
This year's card I'm working on for my mom is a full bouquet, but that involved drawing several different flowers individually. I'll release the full bouquet outline when it's ready, but I figured I might as well release the single flowers as well!

This Lily is available for FREE with Promo code: Mother2020 to download in my store HERE.
Feel free to either print this out or color it on your computer.
Please send me all your completed files! I can't wait to see what everyone does with this!!
This is also the first time I'm running a print on a sweatshirt! Check it out in my store.
Ayla Kell
I would really like to have a T with your logo! Love Love Love the design!
I adore my wall of Ayla Cards. They would make a great coffee table book!